Friends of St Mary's logo St Mary's church, Church Road, Winkfield, Berks, SL4 4SF

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Become a Friend page

Friends of St Mary's Winkfield

Registered Charity 1162342

St Mary's church, Church Road, Winkfield, Berks, SL4 4SF
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On 12 January 2025, the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, at St Mary's Church there will be 10am Family Matins

Future event flyers are HERE. Use the buttons below to navigate to a webpage of interest.

Parish Notice Sheet items - visit Parish Website via purple button above

Read the current Parish Mag HERE .

Scroll up or click HERE to return to the top of the page.

BECOME A FRIEND (or skip on to renew your subscription)

We do need your support …

If you would like more information about joining the Friends of St Mary's (or making a donation) please email us at INFO.

Membership costs just £20 per annum for Individual Membership or £30 for Family Membership. When you join, you may wish to give an additional donation.

If you pay UK income tax, your subscription (and donations) can be increased by 25% at no cost to yourself if you can send or give us a Gift Aid form.

Please note that any details about yourself that you may supply the Friends will be only used in accordance with our GDPR (Data Protection) policy, which can be found by pressing the blue [GDPR Policy] button above.


The easiest way to join is by email. The first step is to make a donation using by making a CAFDonate donation of the appropriate membership subscription, plus, optionally a donation. To do this press this Friends' general fund button, and mark the Reference as Subscription. Then send an email to us at using this text, which you may adapt as you like.

Within a day or two, CAFDonate supplies us the address and email details that you have given them. We will coordinate this information with your email message. We will be then be in touch with you to confirm your membership.


An application form for membership can be found at this link This form has useful material about the Friends on one side, and the form itself on the other. Only the form side need be downloaded for printing. When completed it should be given or sent to:

    The Treasurer, Friends of St Mary's Winkfield,
    Spring Lanes House,
    Holly Spring Lane,
    Bracknell RG12 2JL

Or, alternatively, it can be handed during a regular Sunday service at St Mary's Winkfield to Mrs Philpot, the Church Warden and Chairman of the Friends.

You can pay by cheque, or by BACS draft, or by using CAFDonate (which takes credit cards). Please note that, cheques have become difficult to handle in the present time, so we do prefer other methods of payment. The form also gives information about payment methods. Setting up a Standing Order is a very good idea.

You can set up a standing order yourself if you use Online Banking. Our bank details (with CAFBank Ltd) are:
    Account name: 'Friends of St Mary's Winkfield'
    Sort-code: 40-52-40
    Account number: 00027094

If you pay UK income tax, you are eligible for GiftAid: GiftAid allows your subscription (and donations), at no cost to yourself, to be augmented by a grant of 25% from HMRC, if you can send or give us a Gift Aid form. If you use CAFDonate, you can support GiftAid through that method without a form.

We will publish reports from the Friends in the Winkfield, Cranbourne and Chavey Down Parish Magazine - usually known as the 'Parish Mag'. (Current and past editorial sections can be found by clicking on the link.) Reports will also be posted on this website, and we will publish occasional newsletters or notifications by email (or by physical mail on request).

We also aim to arrange at least three entertaining and informative events each year for Friends. Administrative costs are kept to a minimum so that nearly all subscription and donation income can be dedicated to the maintenance of the ancient fabric of St Mary's Church. Please keep an eye on 'News & events'!

Thank you

Renewing your Friend's subscription

To renew your subscription, please go to the Renewal page:

Scroll up or click HERE to return to the top of the page.

Contact us by email at 'INFO' (
CAFDonate to Friends Electrics and General appeal

Generated 10-Jan-2025 12:08:31