Invitation for articles
The Winkfield Parish Mag is almost entirely based on articles written by local people, about local events, or generally, that, are of interest to other local people. All contributions are welcomed – particularly about what involves you so much that that you would like to share it!
The essentials are that all articles must be complete in the context, immediate, so that people can relate to it, interesting, particularly in the first few words, accurate and kind. See also the [Parish Mag editorial policy] by using the button above.
Please do not submit published articles(whatever their source), because of copyright issues, or articles that can be accessed by a link on the web. What we need is original articles, based on your knowledge and experience. If an external article has inspired you, it is OK to write about it, with full attribution, and verbatim quotes should be between quote marks.
Please do not submit articles that do not fit normal A5 page standards - reformatting is frankly a 'pain' for the editors: if you must do so, please provide A5-formatted Word text that will work without much extra effort on the part of the editors.
We will normally publish interesting articles that follow the guidelines, but the editors always reserve the right to correct, curtail or delay submissions. We are always ready to give guidance and advice. Write by email to the editors, Mr and Mrs Anthony Hodson at and always put ‘parish mag’ somewhere in the Subject field for any message to do with the Winkfield Parish Mag (AKA ‘the parish mag’).
Production of the Parish Mag
Articles or other text for publication are welcome from anybody; they may be on church or other subjects (which are lightly limited by the published Editorial Policy).
Click the button above to see the Parish Mag Editorial Policy - last saved 14/1/19, Articles (etc.) should normally be kept to less than 400 words, except after consultation with the editors, who also reserve the standard editorial right to adjust, re-punctuate and if necessary cut text, without losing the intent of the article.
Authors will be able to review changes in the 'draft for comment' that is circulated before finalising the artwork.
The editors invite submission of comments by email, and reserve the right to publish, or not publish, this material.
The deadline for articles in each magazine is normally the 10th of each month in which the magazine is prepared for the following month. However, during the pandemic, the deadlines are amended (see below).
Frequency of the Parish Mag
The plan is that the Winkfield Parish Mag will change name and front cover to more clearly represent all three churches. It will for now continue to be published monthly with contributions of plans, news and articles from all the congregations. There may be small adjustments to the editorial policy.
February 2025 Parish Mag deadlines
The February 2025 edition of the Winkfield Parish Mag will be published according to the current plan, online, with a few printed copies, as usual.
These are the key production dates for the February 2025 edition:
- Deadline for submitted material for the February 2025 Parish Mag: Saturday 11 January or as soon as possible after this
- No material will be included if it arrives after 12noon Tuesday 14 January, except by arrangement
- Publication of draft for comment: Wednesday pm 15 January
- Deadline for comments and corrections: 12noon Saturday 18 January
- Publication of magazine on the Web: Sunday 19 January
- Low quantity printing of magazine: Monday 20 January
- Availability of a small number of paper copies: Sunday 26 January
You can contact the editors using the address, telephone number or email address below.
Ownership and Management of the Parish Mag
The Winkfield Parish Mag belongs to and supports the Winkfield Parish directly, and is managed by the PCC. It is not a publication of the Friends of St Mary's Winkfield, although the Friends sponsor the Parish Mag by hosting the online Winkfield Parish Mag on their own webpage .
The Friends also publish related advertising, on their own webpage - the Friends do not receive funding for this, and all paid advertising revenues go into the PCC account without involving the Friends.
The management of the Parish News, of advertising and revenue from advertising is the responsibility of the PCC, and not of the editors, nor of the Friends. It is the PCC that is responsible for setting advertising rates, and for recovering resulting revenue.
The Parish Mag is also accessible from the Parish website