Friends of St Mary's logo St Mary's church, Church Road, Winkfield, Berks, SL4 4SF

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Concert Parking page

Friends of St Mary's Winkfield

Registered Charity 1162342

St Mary's church, Church Road, Winkfield, Berks, SL4 4SF
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On 12 January 2025, the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, at St Mary's Church there will be 10am Family Matins

Future event flyers are HERE. Use the buttons below to navigate to a webpage of interest.

Read the current Parish Mag HERE .

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Parking for the Music and Merriment concert 7:30pm 7/12/24

The concert arrangements

The Concert will take place at 7:30pm at St Mary's church, Church Road, Winkfield SL4 4SF, on 7/12/24. There is extensive road-side parking, on the same side as the church (please do not park on the walkway). There are three off-road parking places available to us this year:

Only customers of the White Hart will be able to use the White Hart car park (see below)

The church forecourt and Popel's Hall parking are reserved for some concert instrumentalists, and certain others, particularly those with special requirements. Those affected are advised independently. We request that audience members who really need to park on the forecourt (e.g. through disability or other problem) should be in touch with Mrs Lesley Philpot (tel: 01344 427561) or Anthony Hodson (tel: 07713 607 086) and they will do all that they can to accommodate the problem.

We have always been able to use on-road parking on the north side of Church road on these occasions, and this may be better for some than the Old Vicarage.

The White Hart Pub's parking area must not be used for concert parking, except, of course, by patrons and customers of the pub. We rely on the good will of the pub: please respect their expectations. Dining at the pub before the concert gives you pub parking - but please book with the pub first (01344 882415).

We ask that everybody please be especially careful when crossing the main road, as not all road users respect the 30mph speed limit in the area.

The Old Vicarage

The main designated off-road parking area is at The Old Vicarage SL4 4SE, about 250 yards from the church towards Reading (west) on the opposite side of the road to St Mary's church It has a gravel drive clearly marked by four white posts, two on each side of the drive. On the day of the concert, there will also be a prominent sign indicating 'CONCERT PARKING'. Once inside there is lots of space.

Church Road looking east

The picture too right looks eastward (Ascot direction) from the Old Vicarage entrance. The building on the right of the road in the distance is the White Hart pub, and St Mary's church is directly opposite it but not visible in the photo. The four white posts on the right form the entrance to the Old Vicarage. The car in the distance driving away will reach the church forecourt just a few yards later.

Church Road looking west

This second picture looks west towards Reading and Maidens Green. So going from Maidens Green, as soon as you can see ahead to the pub and church area, which will be lit up, the entrance to the Old Vicarage will be on your right.

General parking, when the forecourt and the Old Vicarage are full, is on the north (church side) of Church Road, this side of and beyond the church forecourt.

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Generated 10-Jan-2025 12:08:31